
Drake Common, Hooded and Red Brested Merganser

Here in New England we are lucky to be able to harvest all three species of Mergansers: The Drake Common, Hooded and Red Breasted Merganser are all very beautiful ducks.

Related to Buffleheads and Golden Eyes, they nest in and around the Boreal forest of Canada. The Common and Hooded Merganser nest in trees, as do the Golden Eye and Bufflehead with the Red Breasted preferring a ground nest.

The funny thing is that each hen will, at times lay eggs in each others nest and sometimes even in a wood duck's nest. Imagine the confusion of the poor hen wood duck trying to show love to her hooded or Common Merganser chick.

Primarily a fish eater Mergansers will also feed on mussels, shrimp, and salamanders and rarely eat plants. Their ducklings forage primarily on insects and very smaller versions of there elders' diet.

Just another one of the incredible variety of ducks we have here in New England.

Hunter with bagged sea duck after early morning hunt
Bufflehead duck

Call or text Captain Len at (508) 237-9796 to arrange your booking